Wednesday 27 January 2010

98lbs of solid nerd

So, guess what arrived in the post a few days ago?

That's right. This badboy.
It's currently residing at busy-D's house,
but I should be getting it soon.
And then I can watch the full glory of a film that touches on disability, bullying, casual racism, ethical debates in science, and political corruption.

Nar, I'm just joshing with you. Really it's a low-budget Troma splatter, with some superhero shit thrown in :)

On the plus side, I've realised I have a lot of beetroot mixes of Toxie songs;

Yus, an electro sound with a Troma reference thrown in?
Pure heaven.
Pure, unadulterated heaven.
I'm not sure I know what 'unadulterated' means,
but I like how it fits in that sentance.

All I need now, is a risky 80s sexual comedy.
And my film-wants are complete.

Oh, and basket case. Belial is sexy.

Look at me, getting all fancy and formatting my blog.
It'll be colour and italics next.
Oh wait, I spoke too soon.

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